#5 : Burning in the Skies (Linkin Park)

Man on Fire burn the skies

I used the deadwood to make the fire rise
The blood of innocence burning in the skies

Aaaakkk… finally I finished this drawn. It is first time I made a guy character with no shirt. Isn’t he sexy? Haha. Hmm. I imagine this guy is Chester, vocal leader on Linkin Park (with adding some muscles). How a lovely chester, burning the skies with fire of charming that he had. :*

I love this song, push my imagination to growing so fast. And also I love a fantasy character that I made. Man making some fire. Classic fantasy.

I made this drawing on two days, using water colour, colouring pencil, pencil 2B, 6B and 8B. Drawn on the A5 paper sketch.

Hope you enjoy this readers.

Xoxoxo – smooch!